In a truly bizarre twist to the Love Letting Video controversy, Its been revealed that the Youtube video was removed at the request of Ville Valo’s own label Mates Inkakai. Inkakai initiated the copy strike against Ville Valo, claiming that his VV symbol was a breach of Copyright. Youtube has since removed Ville Valo’s Video and so far has not been returned to the website. According to google a copy strike is “If you get a copyright strike, it means that a copyright owner submitted a complete and valid legal takedown request for using their copyright-protected content. When we get this type of formal notification, we take down your video to comply with copyright law.”
It is unsure exactly what part or how VV’s symbol breaches their copyright, and we are waiting for more information from VV and Inkakai’s Label on just how exactly this situation occurred. Inkakai have begged Him/VV fans to stop harassing them but as of this morning, their facebook and other social media pages have been removed. Fans are unhappy with the band and their lack of communication as well as blaming fans for asking valid questions about this situation, especially since VV has had similar symbols and logos before the band had ever existed (officially became Inkakai in 2021). We look forward to a complete statement from their Record label.